Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Creating "Print This Screen" and Search Engines

I’ve been developing on a web-based training plan at work for about 2 months using DreamWeaver and Fireworks. We finally have most of the content complete. The design template was complete until the lead member once again has made changes. This internal web site will need to incorporate two features that I have not included in a project yet- search and print this page.
I called our company webmasters, internet and intranet, and asked for advice. Both told me to do some research and wished me good luck. OK. The research begins…..
So I was on blogger searching for help on the incorrect displaying of my blog and found a site called htmlgoodies. An article I read said that the best way is to create a printable page for each web page that you want to be able to print. Items to consider:

  • take out extra items like banners

  • do not create a simple .txt file

  • make page printable in portrait

  • take out colors

  • keep typography simple

  • don’t worry about page breaks unless it really matters (i.e. book or manuscript)

  • use simple coding

Place text here


I haven’t used HTML much so I’d love to have some comments about this information. I’ve opened my blog so anyone can comment. So please send me some comments.
I haven’t had much luck on the search engines but I think I might need to know a little more about the server that the web site will be running on. Again any input would be great!



At 9:17 AM, Blogger Greg Walsh said...

If you search for CSS and printing on google, you'll find that you can create an HTML style sheet that formats differently for printing than it displays on the screen.

At 9:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Michele,
Here is a link to an article on About.com that explains how to create print friendly pages using CSS.



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