Monday, January 28, 2008

Great graphic tool tips

Hi! Great post on the rapid elearning post about creating powerpoint templates for elearning. I found the info below to be helpful. Use graphics tools to help you build your templates. Many of you already use tools like Photoshop to create your graphics. However, there are a lot of free resources available to help you fine tune your templates, as well. Pixie: quickly pick colors from an image Kuler: create custom color schemes. GIMP: solid Photoshop alternative solid Gimp or Photoshop alternative:)


I am now to my last two courses in my Master's program at UMBC. I took the last two months off of blogging to catch up on my personal life as I had no classes for the past six weeks!! Classes start again today. But I wouldn't call an internship a class. I will be working on project at my present employer, ASHA, that is beyond my normal scope of work. It is an internal project that will be offered to our members on our website. I'll share more details as the project evolves- basically we will create a web tutorial to train our memebers how to use online journals. That's it for now. I'm hoping to try out some of the new features in blogger soon and I really need to update my photo- I'm not a red head anymore. Here's to another good year!