Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Share documents with everyone for FREE!!!

Another great free tool just came across my desk. http://www.scribd.com/ At this site you can upload your documents and share with anyone for FREE. This is similar to the UTube experience but with documents. It will even give you embed code to use in web sites, pages, blogs, etc. How cool is this!! I think this would be a great way to share documents on your resume!! Can't wait to try this, I've got to update this blog with all these neat new FREE tools.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Free Screen capture software and media hosting: Jing Project

This came across my desk about 6 weeks ago but just came across it again. I've pulled some text from their FAQ's --see below. I'm hoping to use this technology in this blog over the summer basically for FREE you can do screen captures, record video and share online. What is the Jing Project? Is Jing a product? Not exactly. Is Jing a “beta”? Well, it’s not exactly that either. Jing is a concept that we’re evaluating to see if it can improve everyday conversations. Determining if Jing will be a product is what we are trying to do by gathering feedback from people like you. We think it’s a great way to improve daily conversations via email, IM chats and blog posts. http://www.jingproject.com/

Time tracking for projects

Hi! Just another rainy spring day here in Maryland but something potentially very helpful just came across my desk. Keeping track of time spent on multiple projects is difficult and not knowing exactly how much time it takes to complete a project makes it difficult to predict how long the next one or should I say the next similar one may take. Templates and timelines are all good but if they don't stand up consistently across projects, they are really just guidelines. This tool looks easy to use and the best part is it is FREE!! http://www.toggl.com/

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Assessment Information

Great wealth of white papers on assessment from Questionmark. http://www.questionmark.com/us/whitepapers/index.aspx#pfl