Friday, October 05, 2007

Rapid elearning Blog

I think I've mentioned this blog before but I really love this guy even though he is working for Articulate. Another great post this week with great examples of how to use PowerPoint as one tool in the rapid elearning environment. Great demos. A must to look at!

Ten Steps to a Website that Works

Great ASTD article. Ten Steps to a Website that Works Most interesting: When prospective customers visit your website, you have 20 seconds or less to get their attention. If you're successful, your well-crafted website can be a valuable tool to snag new clients and keep existing clients coming back. Good things to keep in mind when I get back to redesign of pages for department.

Rapid Elearning and Brandon Hall

Hi! Brandon Hall is definitely a research resource so I found this interesting blog article on Janet Clarey's blog, she's a top researcher on learning there. She references some of the research that Brandon Hall has done that involve PowerPoint to elearning tools or sometimes referred to as Rapid elearning tools.

elearning and virtual high schools

Elearn campus has a email newsletter that I like. This past week's focus was on virtual high schools, very interesting.

Rapid eLearning

Hi! I've had to do lots of research on rapid elearning to determine the best softwre and process for creating web-based programs at ASHA. I'm going to use this research and probe further for a grad school paper on an emerging trend in T&D.....My foucus will be on

  • An intro into what is rapid elearning and how it differes from traditional elearning
  • Why companies are moving in the direction of rapid elearning (e.g. globalization, faster product-life cycles, etc.)
  • How rapid elearning is being integrated into training programs
  • The different roles designers and SMEs must take
  • Is it effective
  • What this means to T&D in the future

So over the next month or so you'll see lots of information posted to address this.

I also opened a social bookmarking account so I'll share that as well once I get a little more familiar with the process.

If there is anything that you find and would like to share with me. Please let me know.
