Friday, October 05, 2007

Rapid eLearning

Hi! I've had to do lots of research on rapid elearning to determine the best softwre and process for creating web-based programs at ASHA. I'm going to use this research and probe further for a grad school paper on an emerging trend in T&D.....My foucus will be on

  • An intro into what is rapid elearning and how it differes from traditional elearning
  • Why companies are moving in the direction of rapid elearning (e.g. globalization, faster product-life cycles, etc.)
  • How rapid elearning is being integrated into training programs
  • The different roles designers and SMEs must take
  • Is it effective
  • What this means to T&D in the future

So over the next month or so you'll see lots of information posted to address this.

I also opened a social bookmarking account so I'll share that as well once I get a little more familiar with the process.

If there is anything that you find and would like to share with me. Please let me know.



At 12:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Michelle,

Stumbled upon your blog. I notice that you're doing some research on Rapid E-learning. Feel free to emai me if you have any questions. I just did a presentation at a conference that you might find helpful. Tom

At 7:56 AM, Blogger Michele said...

Thank Tom- I really like your blog, I've subscribed to it.


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